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DART : Google's new programming language

Yes, The great Google has now introduced their own programming language. This is web app development language.

Dart is a new language for scalable web app engineering.

Dart is class based and object oriented, without being dogmatic(strict rules).

You can probably already read and even write Dart code. Sample code written in DART :
main(){// This is where the app starts executing. print( new Fibonacci ( 10 ));// Print a new object's value.}class Fibonacci {// Define a original, fibo;// Declare variables.String toString()=>' $fibo';// Define a method using shorthand syntax. Fibonacci(int value):// Define a constructor with list initializer. original = value, fibo = fib(value){}staticint fib(int n){// Define a class method.if(n <2){// Control flow and expressions.return n;}else{return fib(n-1)+ fib(n-2);// Arithmetic operators.}}}

See more Samples.

Dart’s comprehensive libraries give you lots of choices.
Support for all modern browsers.
Dart web apps run in all modern browsers.
Dart is used to build amazing apps.

Dart Editor is the easiest way to get started, helping you edit, debug, and run Dart apps. When you download Dart Editor, you get other tools, as well:
Pub package manager
The easiest way to get and share Dart code, pub keeps your packages up to date, handling versioning and dependency.

Current stable version of Dart:30188
Download DART 64-bit (Linux)
Download DART 32-bit (Linux)

NOTE :Dart development tools do not support Windows XP. Dart Editor requires Java version 6 or higher.

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